Friday Favorites


| I love new traditions! 

And I wanted to start another one here on Lady Out Loud called Friday Favorites! As I'm sure you can guess, on Fridays (some Fridays, not every Friday) I will be sharing some fascinated, currently coveting and my favorite finds and reads from around the internet. What's included in this list will vary from fashion items, news articles, and just general digital tidbits that I stumble upon throughout the week. I may share some life updates, details on my weekly ramblings, and just chat. What I'm feeling, loving, living. I would love to tell you that I'll be doing these every week, but I'm not sure it's feasible enough. We'll start with once a month, and see how that works out. For all I know, I will want to spill everything I see and find interesting with you guys. 

But without further ado, let's jump into this Friday's Favorites! 

This Serum is Saving My Skin | In the last couple of months, I have been experiencing one of the worst breakouts I have had since I graduated from high school. I re-upped on this serum a couple of weeks ago and it is bringing my skin back to a calmer, brighter life. Don't want to take my word for it? The reviews say it all. 

Catcalling extends far beyond the construction worker on the street. | “My lady… I entreat you: women must do and allow everything that we, men, desire and seems good to us. The woman who would not do so willingly, has to do so nonetheless. That is how things are.” That was written in far have we actually come? 

No More Naked | Perhaps one of the most recognizable makeup palettes ever launched, after 8 years, Urban Decay is discontinuing the original Naked Palette. How do we feel about it? Personally, I'm not sad to see it go, but UD has slashed the price on the palette to $27! Get it here before it's gone. 

The Book Heard 'Round the IG | If you follow any influencers, specially those of color, on IG, you may have seen a shout out to Brittany Hennessey's latest book all about building your personal brand. I purchased and downloaded my copy in the Kindle app and will be nose deep following my current read. Anyone read it? I'm hearing "creator bible" type praise. 

RiRi in your Underwear Drawer | Remember when Rihanna was Pon de Replaying in our Alpines in 2005? My how things have changed. In case you didn't know a takeover was happening, other than FentyxPuma and the Fenty Beauty launch, RiRi launched a lingerie line, and it's coming to #NYFW. Honestly, the girl can do no wrong, so my Victoria's Secret collection is going to have to make some room. 

"TrapHouseJazz" | I know I'm late to the game, but Masego is an entire mood, vibe, lifestyle. Cannot get enough of that laid back jazzy cool feeling. And he's a saxophonist like yours truly so he and I are kindred spirits. 


Love Loudly. Live Loudly. 
