Paper Bag Girl
Paper Bag Girl
No Makeup Monday
Joggers (similar) | Top | Bag (similar) | Booties
You know those ice breaker exercises you are forced to participate in when you join a new group? You sit in a circle in the middle of a room and are asked the dreaded question: "How do you describe yourself?". Ugh. Not only are you put on the spot in front of a group of strangers, but you also have to condense your entire feelings about who your are into a sentence or two. I would always spout off something that resembles a dating site bio and promptly sit back down, hoping my "um...I like long walks on the beach" comment will not prevent people from coming over to talk to me.
It wasn't until I was in TJMaxx (it's a serious problem at this point. I could use some therapy.) and I saw these joggers that it dawned on me exactly what I should say in those awkward round robin situations. Let me explain:
Joggers are OG. They have been around for decades, used in every way from couture fashion lines to farm work in Kansas; for every function and by everyone. Joggers are a classic. Grey sweatpants are a classic. But when you add a paper bag fit, it becomes something just different enough. Just unique enough to make you look twice. An original take on a classic style. My perfect metaphor. From my style to my values, relationships, thought process, food choices, etc...It's the one statement that sums me up in the absolutely best way:
I'm an original take on a classic.
I've learned and accepted that innovation does not have to come in the form of dramatic changes and radical differences. Innovation is taking something great and making it your own. I do not feel the need to reinvent the wheel to be contemporary. Instead, I'll take that wheel, remove a couple spokes, powder coat the face and keep it moving; carve my own canyon as a distributary from another. I'm steeped in 'standard' with an affinity for 'atypical'.
Be Yourself Loudly. Love Loudly. Live Loudly.