For Heaven's Sake...Just Be Nice
Just BE Nice
Just a Short and Sweet Reminder
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Kindness looks good on you, girl!
Happy Wednesday, loud livers! It has been a whirlwind week so far with the in-laws in town, day off work and a very last minute overnight work trip in the East Coast. So managing to put up this blog post has been a real struggle. Due to all of the travel, client preparation, dealing with the in-laws, and added pressure at work, I have found myself a bit more snippy, and letting my personal stresses influence my interactions with others. So in today’s very belated No Makeup Monday post, I just want to remind myself and all of you to just be kind. Having an attitude with someone else, being dismissive or generally unpleasant does nothing to alleviate my stress, and only causes harm to someone else. In fact, I can't think of a single situation that demonstrating kindness will be detrimental. It’s good for me and everyone else! And in some situations (ok, most), kindness may simply look like your sunglasses on, lips shut and turning your head the other way because anything differently would result in regretful words. Kindness costs us nothing. Even in the most stressful situations, there is always a way to communicate with kindness.
And do not forget to also be kind to yourself. In the face of missteps and mistakes, when days seems to drone on and life gets messy, be sure to treat your mind and body with kindness. Drink your water, Days are hard, life gets messy and bogged down, but celebrate yourself, treat your body and mind with kindness. Do not punish yourself for small mistakes and misteps. That is exactly how we learn and grow. Instead, appreciate yourself a
So for heaven’s sake us all a favor and just be kind to one another!
Love Loudly. Live Loudly.