Shining, Shining
Shining, Shining
No Makeup Monday 23Apr2018
| "It’s is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves: Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?. Actually, who are you not to be?" - Marianne Williamson
When I first began thinking of starting a blog, one of the influencers that made me the most excited to join this industry was Patricia Bright. Though her primary platform is YouTube, she’s a cheery, fun and honest Beauty + Style + Life blogger that empowers women through her realness and personality! So after watching her channel religiously for more than a year, she came out with limited edition T-shirt’s and apparel with one of her (and my) favorite phrases...Shining, Shining! How perfect for No Makeup Monday!
Welcome to the new week, Loud Livers! On Mondays, we take the time to enjoy your natural beauty, be comfortable in our own skin! And even during the rainy season (either literally or during life), there is always an avenue to let your inner light shine. In the way you act toward others and yourself, demonstrate your self-worth, feel content within your body and remind yourself that you are beautiful exactly the way you are. Let your light, love and passion for loving yourself and others be so great, it paints you in the most brilliant color that draws people into you. Feeling free and comfortable in your own skin radiates to others and will hopefully become contagious. Imagine how much happier and kinder you and others would be if they were comfortable facing themselves in a mirror. So whether you are edgy, sweet, rock and roll, urban, country, bougie, classic...OWN IT and make it beautiful.
And on a quick side note...can we talk about these pics for a second?! T and I were out doing some window shopping on a cool, rainy day in Cherry Creek and I’m so glad I packed my camera along! These were all taken by T, and he nailed them! It’s always so interesting to see how others see you. Thanks, babe! <3
Shine Loudly, Love Loudly, Live Loudly